Saturday, July 16, 2011

Someone explain homecoming to a (not yet) freshman?

homecoming really is not that big of a deal. girls basically wear short dresses (no long ones like for prom) and im not sure about others, but my school only like two people had corsages and they were people who had already been dating. honestly, not that many people had dates to homecoming at all, its kind of more of a go and grind line with random people and just have fun kind of thing. everyone got together with a group of friends to take some picture before and then whoever's house youre at their parents drive everyone. wear a shorter dress (not up your butt, but above the knees) like a party dress, and heels or flats. bring a camera in case you want to take pictures, money to get in if you dont have to have bought tickets already, and a purse with makeup and/or deoderant as homecoming is when you dance A LOT. its kind of just one big casual party where you get a little dressed up. corsages are more of a prom thing, same for buttonieres. i really dont see a need for a date UNLESS you are dating someone already, then its kind of like a must. unless your school is different and all of your friends besides you have a date, then id probably get one.

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