Sunday, July 17, 2011

How fast can Alzheimer's disease progress?

There's really NO standard "progression"- with Alzheimer's. It can advance fairly rapidly in Some. -And drag out over a Decade- for Others. And since the Brain "Connections" are randomly "winking out" -all over a persons head, all KINDs of functions are being Afflicted,- from memories, to perceptions, to bodily functions- you name it. And the Horrific part of the "Process" IS; that the Individuals themSELVES- are "aware" they're "losing it"- and They become increasingly confused, frightened, & "lost"- ALL at the Same time. :( Needless to Say; the further this Insidious Malady advances, the HARDER it gets to Watch & Care For- the Person with it. And since Their Bodies tend to "Outlive" their Minds in most Cases, most people with Alzheimer's -spend their remaining months or years in Nursing Homes or Extended Care facilities...

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