Saturday, July 23, 2011

Do I have to buy a corsage for my prom date?

We are going as friends to an 8th grade prom, it's not really a serious prom only a few guys are wearing a suit. She's only wearing a nice shirt, shorts, and sandals. Aren't corsages meant for dresses, and would me wearing khaki pants and a nice button up shirt over dressing or just fine?

I don't get the deal with corsages...?

The guy is suppose to get a corsage (which has a flower on it) that slips on to the girls wrist, and the girl is suppose to get the guy a boutonniere, which is just a pin with a flower on it. hope this helped! :)

Am i doing enough because i still cant see results?

Hello I am 17 years of age and I weigh 49kg and im 5ft1 :) I run a mile and half in 10.30 which is about a 7minute mile.. Ive been trying to get better, so recently Ive been doing a minimum of 2hours cardio a day which involves cycling 12-16miles and running for 90minutes uphills.. and I have been weight lifting, 200 reps of Bicep curls, tricep dips, sit ups, squats and push ups.. but my weight isnt dropping ive been doing this for 2weeks, oh and also do 1hour of boxing 3times a week.. any tips? I haven't started eating healthy yet but no more than 2500 calories, which my body needs cos the exercise .. help?xx

What doese this mean?

i wa discussing something with my professor during class. i made eye contact with him to be respectfull. I noticed that his eyes became very foggy and intense and helpless and we had a moment of strong eye contact

Is it okay for corsages not to match?

Me and my boyfriend are going to prom this saturday, i need to order his corsage soon and i don't know what the one he ordered for me looks like. is it okay for them not to match? or do i need to ask him

Olive green prom dress - accessory colors?

Depends on your skin tone and hair color, but I would suggest peach or dark purple flowers. Perhaps you could match your nail color, but what about metallic gold nails?

Why do we have to pay back the debt the country owes to the Federal Reserve?

With QE they did not even print money. They just created virtual cash. I'll send them some Yahoo cookies. They are worth more.

I need help in picking what color for my corsage for prom?

my dress is a dark olive green with black embroidery on the bottom and black roses arent exactly happy! haha thankss

Is he using me or goning to play me?

okay so this one boy and me were messing around goofing of over some text messages like we were calling eachother names and stupid stuff like thar. then we really started talk and he keeps asking me to hangout with him he hasnt asked me to do anything yet. he has asked me to go to the movies, bonfires, over his house, park and stuff like that. he is one year older than me do u think he is playing me? thank you so much i dont want to get in a relation ship and end up getting played or used i am not a bad girl or anything i dont do anything with boys cuz i dont wanna get a bad rep or anything. thank you so much.

If you rep folk nation and get g checked what do you say?

do you say that you just rep or do you have to belong to a set and how do you start to rep do you just do it IM NOT IN FOLK NOR DO I WANT TO IM JUST ASKING because i know people in my area who are in folk so im just wondering

Memory loss at night?

For about a week I can't remember much or anything about what happens before bed. Apparently my fianc� and I have had sex for the past 3 nights in a row but I have no memory of it. When I think back things seems to get foggy before bed too. Like last night we watched a movie before going to bed. This morning I first thought we didn't finish it. I had to really concentrate and then I remembered how it ended. Any ideas on why this is happening?

How do i convert windows movie maker projects to WMV files?

I know the most obvious way, where it says "Publish movie." But that doesn't work! Everytime i try that I'm able to pick the place to save it and the size, but when I click publish, the whole screen goes foggy and it closes and says it closed unexpectedly. Is there any other way i can convert it?

Why do the English have this dilusion that the British Empire was civilized, when it was clearly savage?

Enslaving people in Africa, Asia, the Americas, raping children, commiting genocide, killing Irishmen and women, starving them to death, the attrocities are uncountable. Yet English people look back on their savage Empire with foggy glasses believing they were somehow civilized when they were killing spear weilding tribes in Africa, or abusing male and female children in India.

Is it ok to buy my own corsage even if im going to Prom with Friends?? (8th grade dinner dance)?

We call it prom lol. So im going with a group of my best friends. I want a corsage because i think they are really pretty. I don't have a date but i would really like a corsage. I am perfectly fine going with my 'besties' but do you think it would be lame of me buying a corsage? Or what do you think?? :D Thanks!!

What color corsage looks good with white dress that has a hint of gold?

I'd personally go with a pink or red rose. It seems like a lovely splash of colour to that dress. Nice dress! Have fun at you prom! :)


Em sorta goin thru d same thing bt em sixteen..i cnt carry on a conversation with sum 1 face to face without wondering how my face looks..i cnt go out without wering some long shirt or blouse tp hide my butt..n all the time i hve to pull it down cauz i thnk ppl cn c my big butt....i cnt stop thnkin wt ppl r thinking wen i pass them or sit indront of 'em..i feel like a weirdo n i need help too:((

At senior seniors get corsages?

i need to order corsages and then i was seniors even usually have corsages? so if someone could answer or give me opinions or something thatd be cool, i went last year and we did corsages and everything. but do we need it this year?

What kind of experience do you need to be a sales rep at a cell phone store? (tmobile, sprint, AT&T etc)?

They prefer some sales etc...if you do have sales sure to exaggerate it...say you did this and that with sales...they like people who know their prepared to pitch a item to them if you are interviewed.

How do I be liked by NCR?

I've done the bounty missions, "killed" Ceasers Legion, killed hundreds of fiends but when I was a REPCONN Headquarters a chick said that I had to get my NCR rep up in three days or else they will start attacking me. How do I get at least neutral so I can keep Boone as a follower and not get attacked.

Is this a seizure, please help?

Doesn't sound like epilepsy. Sounds like you are on antidepressants and stopped them suddenly. Alternatively, you could have panic disorder or PTSD. The electric shock feeling is characteristic of people stopping antidepressant treatment suddenly. I'd go to your psychiatrist and/or general clinician to find out, as there's not enough info here to diagnose.

Help! Camera lens wet foggy !?

I have no idea how it happened. My camera's lens can't be removed and it's foggy from the inside. What do i do ? :*(

HELP?! Matte finish spray on canvas made the painting foggy!!?

I have a bunch of old (late 1940s) canvas paintings sitting in the basement. I wanted to freshen one of them up to hang in my dining room. My only goal was to make the colors appear richer. I used Krylon #1311 Matte Finish over the entire painting. When I came back a few hours later the painting was all foggy/cloudy!?! Is there any way to remove this cloudy appearance? Any product that would remove it?

I am waiting for this package what is going on?

hi dear, you can get the detail information on http// really relevant information you should visit there.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Soreness after workout?

So I've started lifting weights and I am just wondering how I would know if what I am doing is effective. I lift, until failure between 8-12 reps, for three sets. The next day I will be sore somewhat to the touch but otherwise not really sore. So how sore should I be? I know its subjective, but is there a benchmark I should shoot for?

Where can I get good flowers?

prom is coming up and I need to get a corsage for my girlfriend. I want to get a really nice one, price doesn't matter. anyone know any good websites to order them?

What is this meditation technique?

A friend of mine was telling me about how her father has great interest in Tai Chi and meditation. We were talking one night about it and she said that when her father meditates he said he "releases energy and make the room get all foggy and the walls start to sweat". This seems very unlikely but her family co-signed with her and she is a very trusted friend of mine. I'm really interested in learning this technique and its origins. If there is a specific name for this it would be more than extremely helpful.

Is the sun strongest in cloudy/foggy or clear weather?

My mom said the sun was strongest when it was cloudy or foggy out saying that there isn't a filter. It's also colder out so I guess nobody notices? Please help :D tanning issues haha. Thanks in advance!

Is my writing any good? Answer honestly!?

It is good! However it does seem to drag on and it needs to get to the point. You use some words that are not needed. Like where you say the glass was all foggy. You could have left it at foggy or put covered in fog. Not all foggy doesn't seem proper. But it is very good! I give you an 8:)

Please help???? saying no?

so this guy i knew for a long time asked me out multiple times before and i said no... he asked me again and i kinda kept delaying it.. he dosent have a good rep he goes he went out with many girls right after each other. he said he changed but i cant know for sure??? what do i do?? how do i say no very nicely??

So I turned down an opportunity to join Primerica and this is what i got?

He is upset because he is very passionate about his business. When he become more experience in this business, he would of been polite and honor your decision and keep recruiting. I've been in Primerica for few years now and love what I do. I get to help families with their finances and get paid if the client takes my recommendations. At the same time, I'm also able to build my own sales team by recruiting people. Every time I have a recruit that helps a family, not only does he or she get paid, the company also pays me. Its the best business model ever. I don't want to do this forever. I know what I do helps people, but its alot of work. Thats why I recruit people. Eventually my business will be able to run on its own without me having to be there and I can enjoy the rest of my life doing things I want to do. If I die, I can pass my business on to my family and they will get paid lifetime income from my business.

Need help, Getting into weight lifting but need advice?

I have my nutrition all planned out, so please don't provide nutrition is an answer, as I know, abs and ur body are made in the kitchen. Anyways, i'm 16, male. 5''10 tall, roughly 165 lbs. I have some belly fat, love handles, and some bum fat, its not a lot, but its still enough to cover my abs. I am now a member at the gym, I was thinking of going there everyday, lifting for 2 muscle groups, run for 20 mins, and shoot some hoops. My goal is to lose this last 10 pounds and get a nice, lean physique, is this what I should be doing? Also how many reps should I be doing to get lean and ripped, but not huge, if you know what im saying?I wanna get toned up fast Also, what are good workouts, or links for workouts I can do? thanks

To get a good looking chest (pecs), what can I do...?

Push ups Sit ups Pull ups Weight Lifting Purchase a male shake weight to work on arms Its a good investment and U can do this for extra money i do it If i want a extra workout Help people if you see them moving Only grab Heavy stuff

My date is wearing a floral print dress what kind of corsage do i get her?

im trying to look for a corsage for my date. her dress has alot of going on it has all the floral print and the beading what kind of corsage do i get her.

Would it be nice to get my prom date flowers?

when i pick up my prom date i want to get her a a single rose that is the color of her dress and give it to her and of course i got a corsage . And did i mention my date is my ex girlfriend that broke up with me about 2 months ago and i still love but she doesnt feel the same. thats the only reason i question it whether to do it or not

How could I motivate myself to lift weights and exercise?

I used to do heavy weights but after a week or so I got bored because it's boring. For example I do around 100 pounds on each side and after around 12 reps I get tired and have to rest for like three minutes before doing 4 more sets, which is really boring. At the same time my mind is feeling lazy. I have school in two more months and it's just saying "There's no need to exercise, not like you're going to get any results in these two months" and so on. So, how could i motivate myself? I've been feelign really lazy and just playing my PS3 all this time.

Can i active a phone I bought in the Dom. Rep. in USA?

I want to buy a Blackberry here but im moving to USA soon, I just wanna know if a but the phone here could i activate it there and so for like how much? or would it be better if a bought one there?

Does crepitus on shoulder ever heal?

After doing a lot of dumbbell side laterals reps, when I rotate my shoulder it begins to make a crunching/poping sound hard to describe, but it doesn't hurt. Does this heal on its own in a few weeks or is this permanent. I think this is crepitus not sure though. By the way I'm only 20 I'm so worried about this

My grandmother did not recognize me today wtf?

I am almost 28 years old. I normally see my grandma about once a week to once a month depending on my schedule. I know she has Alzheimer's Disease and has had it for a few years now. However today she actually did not recognize me or know who I was. She is 83. Is this normal behavior for a person with Alzheimer's Disease? I have known the person for nearly 3 decades and she had not the foggiest idea who I was...

Teenage pear shape diet/ exercise info please (:?

You should use acomplia, it is the best about it you can get information from here

Which should I buy?!?

Well first of all i don't understand what floral and sandals have to do with disco, but okay. Out of the three links, i like two the best, but not with the sandals. With the sandals, one is best. But i don't like any of them for a Teen Disco thing, i don't think it is disco, it's more like tyical girl Summer outfit if you ask me.

This is about Avon and credit ?

Ok well i'm an Avon rep and i have not paid for a bill yet and was wondering if it will mess up my credit some how in the near future ?? Does anyone know i'm stressing about it. They keep calling and emailing me...

Lifting weights. What is the right way ?

Ok so I currently lift heavy weights to failure ( which is between 6-10 reps). Since I lift weights to failure I only do 2 sets. I wish to increase muscle mass and strength. Should I do more than 2 sets? Should I be working to failure to acheive my goals? I have a book writeen by former Mr universe Mike Mentzer. According to him to build muscle mass you need to work to failure and you only need to do one set if you work to failure to stimulate muscles. He also says you need to rest between 4-7 days between each workout to improve muscle mass. Should I do what he says and is he right by what he says ?

I had my cell phone turned off, and did not take or make any calls in the Caribbean. I was surprised to learn?

that I was billed roaming charges. The AT&T rep said that the only way to avoid the charges was to temporarily stop voice mail service. How does this technology work with AT&T knowing that I was in Jamaica even with the phone off?

Do you think liberals hate God?

Recently Missouri Rep. Todd Akin said that “at the heart of liberalism really is a hatred for God.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

My betta's tank hasn't been cleaned in like four weeks but it's not foggy and doesn't look dirty is it ok?

I'd be concerned about Nitrates building up. They are toxic to fish in high doses, but we can't see them in the water column. Eventually, if you don't clean it like you are, you are going to have an algae bloom and the fish may suffer from Nitrate poisoning. Try to do partial water changes of 20-50% every week to keep things like Nitrate in check.

If I don't have a date for prom, should my parents buy me a corsage?

My mom just asked me if I wanted her to buy me a corsage for prom. I don't have a date. Would this be okay? Is anyone else doing that ?

Arm muscles growing at different rate?

I go to the gym every day. I lift the same amount reps and weight on both sides. Yet my right side is getting a lot bigger but my left is getting slightly bigger. Idk why. Doesn't make sense. It's definitely noticeable. I can't go to the gym and only work my left side. That would be stupid. Any thoughts ?

How often should i change the water in my betta's tank?

he's in a small fish bowl from the pet store , i think its a quart.. she said thats all a small betta needs.. i cleaned it about 10 days ago but today its really foggy... does that mean clean it again.. it doesnt have a filter, women said it doesnt need one..??? any sugggestions?

Should I ask my prom date if he's getting me a corsage?

we're going as friends, but I still want to wear a corsage! Prom is in 2 days. Should I just text him and ask him if he's getting me one.. or would that be rude? If he says no then I have no problem buying my corsage AND his boutinerre.

What color nails with this dress for prom?

My dress is long and its red and haz little silver jewels around it. My accessories are silver as well. Idk what color nails i should get? My nails are short cuz i bite them -,- and i dont wana get fake nails so ima just paint my nails and toenails myself, but idk if i should paint them red or maybe a different color would look best cuz its too much red? My corsage is gonna be white with red accents(good choice or vice versa?). Also,should my corsage and his boutonniere match? He's wearing a black tux with a red vest and tie to match my dress, so idk if his boutonniere should match my dress or corsage. :3 Thanks!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Can i start a mobile contract with sprint at best buy without BEST BUY running my credit?

I bought my phone for Sprint at Best Buy. They wouldn't accept cash and it was too late to deposit money into my card at the bank so they told me to put it into a gift card and they did it that way.

Is my baby mouse sick ?

i just got a baby mouse but she isnt moving and her eyes look foggy. is this just because she is really young or is she actually sick ?

My ipod camera wont work?

A couple days ago i spilled a glass of water on my ipod and the volume thingy kept saying the headphones were plugged in when they werent so i kept shaking it until all the water came out and it didnt say the headphone were plugged in. Later i looked at the camera and it was foggy so i tried the camera app and it just showed the shutters closed. So i put it in an airtight container of rice and left it there until a couple hours later. I restarted it and the front camera worked so then i tried to change to the back camera and it froze. So i restarted it agian and the rear camera was black so i switched it to the front camera and turned it off. I also put in one of those packets that say do not eat that you find in beef jerky. I left in the rice and then yesterday i took it out and when i tried to change it to the back camera again and it froze then the battery died so i put it back in the rice and then this morning i took it out to charge it and when i opened it the shutters stayed closed. Im really mad becuase ive restarted it like eight times but i dont know what to do. I dont know what to do because i want to change the camera but the shutters wknt open. And i wont be able to send it in because im leaving on vacation in a couple days and i want to have it with me and my warrinty expired and it didnt cover water damage in the first place. So what should i do???

What should i do with my kids? Answers URGENT?

They need to be punished. Don't let them go to the concert. Either try selling then or give them to kids who know how to behave. Your daughters are old enough to know how to respect people. They need to understand that they can't get away with acting like a brat.

What should i get for my prom date?

I want to get her like a rose or something but that is kind of cliche. I want to do something creative and sweet at the same time something before prom ill give her a corsage at prom

Pain in chest...and a lot of other stuff.. :/?

Well if some of this stuff is specifically on the left side there might be something wrong with the right side of your brain.

Fashion people H&m and hollister?!?

I would suggest getting the cheaper h&m top. If you wear the hollister top with the cardigan you won't see the corsage anyway. Save the money and get the skinny chinos! Awesome outfit, I like your style :)

What's wrong with my eyes!?

Sounds like your developing a conjunctivitis-are the sclera or whites of the eyes reddened? This condition can be cause by an virus or bacteria and sometimes called mechanical because there has been another irritant introduced to the eye which causes severe irritation. Keep your hands off of that area, continue to flush with a saline solution and watch over the next 24 hours as you may need medical intervention...go sooner if the discharge becomes discolored with blood or greenish. Make sure that you discard eye make up on a regular basis about every 2 months or sooner if this occurs. If your sleeping with contacts, stop immediately and let the eye breathe. You might want to consider taking contacts out ASAP if that is the case. Hope this helps and you get better.

Where to get a corsage for prom?

Hi, I need to get my prom date a corsage for prom but idk where to get one. Like what are the types of stores that do corsage,.like flowershops, etc.

Do you think i should go for it?

It sounds like he is into you, so yes you should go for it. Ask him to hang out or something and see how it goes. Talk and joke with him and I'm sure you'll have a great time.

Cell Phone insurance?

I recently cracked the screen of my droid incredible from verizon. I have insurance and I believe I have to buy a new phone online that will ship overnight and because it is a smartphone it will be a 100$ fee. however my phone is no longer advertised on the verizon website. the rep said more likely or not I'll get the new incredible because they will probably be out of the first version. is that true?

Do you like the corsage and boutonniere for my dress?

yes its beautiful(: and where did u get that dress? its really cute and im looking for one for graduationn!!

Eek! What does it mean if u keep having your old crush appearing in your dreams?

you're probably attracted to him, but you shouldn't worry yourself, you're not crazy and it's completely normal :)

Am I making decent progress on the deadlift?

I am a 36 year old 170 pound 5'8" man man who is strong in the upper body (I can do about 5 sets of 10 pull ups) but weak in the lower body because I have never really done anything other than bodyweight squats and bodyweight lunges. I studied up on how to do proper form for the deadlift. Then I started out with low weight. I was doing about 125 pounds the first time and I did about three sets of 8 reps. The next week (I take a week off in between deadlifting sessions) I did 135 for about three sets of 8 reps. And on the third week (today) I did some warm up sets and then did 135 for one set of 8 and then did 147 for two sets of 8. I have never tried to max out on the deadlift. I just don't want to blow my back out. My lower back and glutes are already tired after these sets I do. I have no clue how much I could do for a max deadlift. I am just trying to start out somewhat slow. So my question is, how soon should I be attempting sets of 200 pounds for 6-8 reps?

Is it me or the place?

You have devils in that house. If you are a Christian, then cast them out in the name of Jesus. If you are not a Christian, then become one, so you can cast them out.

Is this a good training schedule?? QUICK 10 POINTS!?

yess but be careful not to be TOO EXTREME im a gymnast and it can have a negative impact just by being exhausted if your not careful. looks like u got a good workout though your young so make sure and tell someone before you start just to be safe

Are these silk roses on the corsage i bought for my date going to wilt?

I just bought a corsage for my date to prom today is wednesday and the prom is on saturday the florist insisted i by it now, she said that the roses are white silk roses are these roses even real? and if they are will they still look pretty on saturday?

What color corsage&flower would match an all lime green dress?

It's a long lime neonish green dress. No other colors what so ever. I'm trying to figure out what color corsage and boutonniere to make. :)

What can I feed my pleco if he doesn't have algae?

I keep my 10 gallon fish tank very clean so my 2.5 inch pleco has no algae. He ignores the algae wafers i drop in the tank, so the tank gets foggy and my fish gets no food. A lot of people suggest banana but he ignores everything I drop in the tank. He's REALLY shy and hates people. Plz give me some advise on what I should give him!! :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Need help setting up new aquarium?

I just bought a used 55 gallon set up, and I want to give a through cleaning before adding any fish to it. It is empty and I have so far rinsed of the gravel with hot water, put the decorations in a solution of 5% bleach and 95% water, rinsed several times and currently have them air drying. Now my big thing is the glass on the INSIDE of the aquarium is foggy, ive scrubbed with towels and used an algae magnet and it isnt dirty just has a foggy glaze over it. Can i use something to clean the inside of it? I know you cant use windex etc, but what about maybe vinegar ? Also I know a tank has to cycle before adding fish how long should it cycle for it? Thanks

Tag Heuer Watch Question?

I just bought a Tag Heuer watch yesterday. When I got it home and got it out in the sun so the light his the face i've notices that there is one part on the face of the watch that has a "foggy" look too it. It's not crystal clear like the rest of the face of the watch. It's just a small spot, but it upset me b/c i paid so much for the watch. It doesnt look like a scratch of anykind and some kind of light has to be hitting it in order for it to show. Does anyone know what this might be and how it can be fixed. I have to drive 45 minutes to go back to the store i got it from, while do if i need to, but I dont want to waste a trip. Would a jewler be able to buff that out?

How can I be more clear-headed?

I'm not dumb. I'm a national merit scholar, a straight-A student and got a 2280 on the SAT. However, most of the time I feel like I'm functioning on a lower level than many people around me. My mind feels foggy and I rarely feel like I have a good grasp on what's going on around me. I can't speak without mixing up my words. I can't play games without getting the rules confused. It's embarrasing, since I know people expect more of me and are often disappointed in my actual performance. Does anyone else feel like this? What can I do to become more clear-headed?

Do you think my house haunted?

It is very passable but it could be lots of different stuff. As for the house burning down I don't believe in coincidence and if all these things continue I suggest you do what my aunt did in their house when they saw a lady walking in the hall and seeing smoke in the room. Sprinkle holy water in the house and pray and read verses from the bible or call in more Professional help.I don't believe that it could be too dangerous or demonic since it hasn't hurt anyone yet but rather don't take chances. I believe it may just be an unsettled spirit if your house really is haunted.

Will Social Security see a cola in 2012?

Social Security recipients are paying for the botched screw ups that the past and present Pres. have done. Not REP, Not the DEMS but BOTH. Some one in Wash. needs to go shopping and see what it really cost to live. Seems as the older one gets the more they get punished for what our gov. has done, Did they not go to school, maybe they failed math class. 2+2 is not not 5 MR PRES.

Girls Help! Prom Question!?

Actually, I wouldn't usually recommend these, but silver would look fantastic! Or black, or even a french! If you want to make the french a little awesome, do like black and purple flowers on your thumb.

Does she really like me or was it "in the moment" and to good to be true?

Ask her what her deal is in person and then be done with her regardless of what she says. Screw her.

Please help me... On effexor XR,?

I have been on it for about 2 years, 75mg. I have battled anxiety and depression for years, however things are different now. I Struggle with pain and joint issues, (I suspect fibromyalgia) which i have an appointment soon for. My question is, lately i have been blue. crying alot... for no good reason (the pain doesn't help either it is very frustrating) And i have had bad experiences with many depression meds. Paxil made me go CRAZY, and others do no help. They were all SSRI's. Am i in need for something else? or a dosage increase? I am always sluggish and foggy so i am naturally scared that if i increse the dose, it will get worse. It does help my anxiety for the most part though. so im in a pickle! i am scared. I just want to feel normal... mentally since i can't physically.

Am I possessed or is that house?

It's not you then. It's that house. Sounds scary to me. Doesn't seem dangerous at all though so that's pretty cool to be experiencing such cool things!

What color corsage would go well with a red dress?

What color corsage would go well with a red dress? My boyfriend is also wearing red vest with red tie. So would red roses corsage be too much? Or what else would look nice?

How do I REMOVE my Avon Rep from my online account?

I need to REMOVE my Avon Rep. from online WITHOUT selecting a new one. To be clear, I do not want an Avon Rep. for my online account. Period. How can I do this?

Why does my laptop overheat?

I'm a complete technology reject, and when it comes to these things i haven't got the foggiest on what to do. I do keep my laptop on a flat lap tray not on my lap, and it has only just started getting so incredibly overheated lately (my room ends up like the boiling cupboard!). My laptop is 1 year and a half old, is there anything anyone can suggest?

What should i bring to prom?

If you have a date, don't make a corsage. Just don't make a corsage at ALL. Bring some eyeliner, mascara, etc. Basically anything you put on your face. Including coverup and concealer. You should definitely bring a clutch. They are much more transportable than a bag. Make it a clutch that matches your dress though. If you were lipgloss or lipstick or both, bring that in the clutch, except nothing too dark, and nothing with sparkles, since if you make out with your date (if you have one) than you don't want makeup all over him! If you have a date and really like him or love him, be sure to bring a condom. You never know when the actual deal is made. Good luck! :)

How can I clear up my foggy DSLR Lens?

Going to sound strange, but bear with me. Completely cover the lens in instant rice. Make sure every inch is covered (without lens caps). Rice will draw out the moisture, may take several days to a week, but it worked for me last year with my Nikon.

What do you think of this plan?

Seems really exact lol. I guess that seems fine. Based off of what you wrote I do not see anything really wrong with what you are planning. Good luck

What is this yellow stuff in my breast milk?

I was cleaning my breast and i squeezed it and dark yellow puss looking liquid came out along with my breast 7months pregnant and my breast milk is not fully white its more of a foggy white but anyway almost everytime i clean it that yellow stuff comes out its the color of the yellow in a egg and sometime a white looking puss comes out in the other breast more white than my own breast milk I DONT WANT TO BREAST FEED IF THAT KEEPS COMING OUT, WHAT IS IT ?

Is this a good workout?

sounds good! but you know what, you aint fat dude your bmi is 22.6 which is perfectly normal. im skinny and im at a 23 bmi xD

Getting fit and toned?

So I'm a 15 year old girl and I just lost some weight an now I want to tone my thighs, arms and abs. What should I do, how many reps and sets, How many times a week and when can I expect to see results?? Thanks!

How do I know if I am building muscle?

Ok so last week I worked my bis and shoulders with 35 pound weights, the same routine I did the week before. I wasnt really sore after that workout and could lift with some ease, going over 7 reps. Should I up the weights?

Where can i get Corsages and Boutonnieres?

prom is in 2 weeks and i need to get them are there malls like macys jcpenny idk where you can get them,

What should i do????????????

Usually Our School Tells us we have summer school like a month or 3 weeks before school is finished . and no one informed me. if you fail more then two marking periods you get summer school . i failed only two and the others i did good . but i dont know if i did good in the others . i moved on june 4th and school ended on the 20th . and i didnt change my adress in school yet, so i didnt get my report card nor i dont know if i have summer school . im in east orange nj . and also im leavin in 1 week to Dominican rep to se my family for a month and my mom already paid for my ticket so i cant go to summer school . so should i call to make sure because they didnt send one in the mail nor did they tell me three weeks or a month before . but should i cal just to make sure ?

Ok this is an exercise question.... mabye has to do with teen horomones (mine) i WILL choose best answer.?

You give yourself a good workout. You're blessed with the will power to workout and strong muscles. Take it. Don't ask questions. There's nothing wrong with you, and thats all you need to question

How can an American watch the latest season of Dr. Who?

I watched the previous season via Netflix, but I haven't the foggiest about how to watch the newest season. Netflix hasn't posted any episodes thus far.

Will creatine help me get 'toned' quicker? what are other things equivalent like 1MR?

what the questions ays looking to take stuff with my workouts right now i only have the protein shakes and such but ive been reading up on creatine and that and been interested in it because it helps you bust out a few more reps which helps you get bigger faster.. i just want to look tone... my body type is im 5'7 weigh 173 and i have a big upper body but no real 'definition' just have the shape

Why does the Democratic Party have a double standard concerning Rep Weiner?

He was in his own home minding his our business and took some pictures and gets thrown under the bus. Whereas Bill Clinton defiled the Oval office, while on the job!!!!!! Yea on your nickle. He wasn't told to step down by the party.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is the Rep[ublican party out of touch with the average Republican on the street?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I seriously need help with this whole Prom thing!?

So I am going to my first and probably last prom i'll ever go to in a few weeks and I have NO IDEA what i'm doing. I don't know about anything formal what so ever. I don't know how to rent a tuxedo, how much it will cost to rent it for one night, where to rent it, how to get fitted and where, can it be a same day sort of thing or do i need to do all this in advance... I don't know where to buy a corsage for my girlfriend or how much they cost or what kind or if it will match. I just don't know anything about prom and I feel as if i'm expected too! Time is flying by and I just wish there was someone to answer all my questions. haha. That's where you all come in? Please help me prepare for this one big night!

What should I do with this guy?

To get down to the basics, guy in my physics class, cheated on his girl friend, i dont think he is really attractive, but attractive, wasn't attracted to him when we flirted at first, but once we hugged when i told him issues about my family (it was a really caring hug), i felt like he really cared about me, i didnt even ask for a hug, he just did it. That was in a party two or three days ago, and he kept wanting to hang out with me in the party, i know he wants and gets girls a lot cause he has the rep and cause of his past, so i think he wants to kiss me, but like i can't trust him, and i kissed a guy not made out and im worried about that too. And tomorrow im seeing him so idk what to do...

Do I have to order a corsage for prom or can I pick one up any day from a flower shop?

I was wondering if anybody could tell me if I can only order a corsage or if I can just pick one up from a flower shop anytime? I live in Phoenix Arizona if that matters. Prom is on Saturday and I don't get paid till Thursday so I don't think I'll have time to order one.

I hit a boulder at 3 am on a state road i was going about 35 -40 mph in a 55 it was foggy i totaled my car and?

foggy and it was like the boulder came out of nowhere i did not have time to hit my break my car was totaled and so far i have been out of work for about 4 days and probably another 4 to 5 days is there anything i can do or should i just call it a nightmare and my loss ?

How do I tell if a driver is counterfeit?

the real driver have serial number. same product have different price is normal. cheap product does not express it's bad. you must be clear

Is Bachmann Crazy For Believing God Has Given Her a ‘Sense of Assurance’ to Run for the Presidency?

Of course she was sent by God. The liberal media will always attack the believers. She is not crazy, you're the one crazy for not accepting Jesus as your Savior.

Is this daily workout routine alright?

The only advice and tip i would give you is when you mix up upper and lower body workouts theres more flow of testosterone running throughout your body which just means your getting more testosterone when you work out. but hell wish i was weighing that much.

Help, my fish tank is getting cloudy!?!?

So yesterday, I got new fish for my 10 gallon aquarium. I let them sit on the top of the water so they could get used to the temperature and then I let them in. Most seem to have adjusted to the tank well and the others hopefully will soon as well. I got 3 Glassfish, 2 Mollies, and Angelfish, and a long orange fish. The water was crystal clear yesterday and I didn't feed them that day. However, today in the morning I woke up and found my fish tank to be a bit foggy. I don't know what the problem is. I also don't have pH or ammonia level checking materials but I did in fact condition the tap water which I had put in with the appropriate amount of conditioner. I also have a bubble stone and a filter so I think my fish tank is good, right? I just don't know what could have caused the cloudiness. My fish seem fine and not stressed but I don't want them to die! Please help me with this :/ Thanks.

Anxiety fogging my mind..?

I cant do anything my hands shake, i feel hot and the middle of my head is tensed and my eyes constantly stare into space, cant focus on anything i just feel terrible and foggy. I cant get out of the house cus im so anxious. will i ever get over this and how ?

Foogy head? and trouble concentrating?

Could be many things. Low blood pressure and thyroid imbalance are the most likely and severe conditions that could cause that. If you have no other symptoms, though, I'm stumped. Try to rule out any endocrine issues.

How to file a vandalism claim on a company?

It would not and could not be a vandalism charge, it would even be difficult to sue in court for damages since you would be the one doing the damage by improperly removing it. It is doubtful that you have lasting damage but if so Ka Boom would be the one to sue if there is not a warning on the container excluding use on glass.}{

Do you think I have a Lawsuit?

My Fiancée and I both went to a Verizon Wireless store to get Android phones and a contract. We set everything up and the women at the setting up everything for us kept telling us our bill would be around $160-$170 a month. So we took the phones home and we called Verizon couple times just to make sure that our bill would be that much, and the over the phone representatives told us that it would be a lot higher. So I went back to the store and asked the same woman a few days later, if I could return the phones, and she said yes you have 14 days to return the phones after starting the plan, and that we would only have to pay a $30 restocking fee, but then she asked why I wanted to return the phones, and I said it is too much money for me and my fiancé right now (the price Verizon was telling us over the phone.) So she said they don't know what they are talking about and that it should be what she said. So I said ok and I went home, on the 12th day I received the first bill which was for $380, and found out our bill for our plan which is 1400 minutes, two data plans, and unlimited text, would be about $280 a month. My fiancée and I went back to the store and on the 13th day and tried to return the phones. The same woman said you are too late, that it was past the 14 days, and when I started telling her she told me I had until the 14th day, she made up another excuse saying our phones were damaged when they weren’t at all, we never dropped them or anything, when we first got the phones she dropped one of them once. So if their was any marks, they were by the hands of her, and they gave us an extremely hard time and threaten to call security on us, to get us out of the store. After the painful night, we have been in communication with Verizon Wireless on the phone for almost a month, and they have not been able to help us at all and a few of the customer supports reps were rude to my fiancée who recently has a baby, emotionally depressed where she can't finish her college work or try and find a job right now I feel she could still have Postpartum depression that has been triggered by Verizon entrapment. Due to this whole situation which is hurting our family. Do we have lawsuit against Verizon Wireless? All we really want is to get out of their deceiving contract.

How do i overcome or cope with hypochondria and anxiety?

You poor girl. Do you have a room mate, and a job ? Be careful who you live with, that could make you unhappy. The job you have too, do you feel comfortable going there ? Just look around and people watch. Try to see how others cope with life, and try to imitate any of their good habits that you can. You don't have to be like that. It's your life, and only you can change it. Try thinking more positive. Go to the library , or on line, and google some of the problems that you have. With the internet, you can google, and get an answer for almost anything. Go to the Dr Oz site, and ask someone there. He helps people, with multiple problems. Better yet, watch his show, you may learn something useful. Pray more, stress breathe, and try to quit worrying. You can do it. three or four deep breaths, renew your oxygen supply, and can help in a pinch. Good Luck.

!?!?Trojan fire and ice condoms question!?!?

It is most likely the condom that had caused this because I know someone who has been in the same situation. Also I have been in that my self. It was very uncomfortable. I am not sure about the KY and drinking water. It may work as the water is a fluid that keeps everything moist in your body. Good luck on finding it out. Please let us know if it works for future cases of condom mishaps.

Why does he do this help?

I was seeing a guy a year and a half who had a rep as a player,he stayed with me longer than expected,and the mother of his kid who seemed to hav a hold on him started he left,and started dating other women,but he is texting and mailing me pretending to be other men,why is this?

Prom does the girl buy the boutinee for the guy?

Hi is the fgirl supposed to buy the botinee for the boy or does the guy buy both the boutinee and corsage?

What would go awesome with this dress...?

That's a really beautiful dress. I'd either leave your hair color or dye it the dark black brown color. Dark brown hair would look fine with the dress, but honestly it seems pretty fun to dye your hair, if only for one occasion, just for the sake of change. The necklace would look great with the dress, and any silver bracelet would be good. Keep your eyes their natural color, and I recommend these silver sandals: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Hope this helps!! :)

What do you think of this? Is it a poem or a story? Need feedback(:?

Well it's definitely prose... But your wordchoice compromises the content. And to top it off you have at least three malapropisms... Proof read. And don't be ashamed to use a thesaurus.

How can i advance my own agenda within my community?

i have an agenda and would like to advance this through the community and beyond but do not well understand the political procedureal documents and haven't the foggiest how to go about starting to learn about it

Has anyone experienced this and been pregnant? Or was something else wrong?

On May 15 - 22 i had a normal period that lasted for 6-7 days. On June 7 i started spotting and bled a little for 5 days. It never got heavy just enough to wear a pad and a light tampon. i spotted most of the time though i only bled for like 2 days and spotted 3 days. Today I noticed my stomach is really bloated and crampy even sometimes on my right side (ovary) could be cysts i guess. I cant use the bathroom and if i do its like diarrhea. of course this could be because of anything hormonal imbalance or whatever but i was just wondering what you thought. my boobs are sore of and on but again could be because of anything. I just figured that i had an irregular early period but it weirded me out because for the past few months my periods have been anywhere from 30 days - 35 days not 23 days. Anyway Has this happened to you or to anyone that you know and they were pregnant or was something else wrong. I looked at a calendar and the bleeding started 9 days past ovulation. But ive heard that implantation bleeding was light then i heard it could be a little heavy depending on your body. My mind is very foggy too i cant remember anything it seems like of course that could because im just dumb or something. Im not stressed or anything either.

How shall i do my hair with this birthday dress?

put your hair in a nice up-do. since the dress has straps and is also very long you dont wana wear your hair down. trust me! nice up do maybe a bit messy looking. very elegant. remember with hair, less is always more. the more product you put in the cheaper the look. keep the makeup to a minimum, maybe a nice smokey look nothing bright the dress does that in its own lol. make sure everyone can see your naturally beautiful face :)

Unbearable pain? UTI ?

True is that this can be a UTI, along with other problems. Your urine being foggy is one indicator of a UTI. If you have burning or painful urination it can be a sign of a UTI or what is also very painful is that of Kidney stones. Also, it could be a vaginal bacterial infection that is causing the pain. There are a lot of variables that come into play here, for example... Are you sexual activity? Is there any chances that you could be pregnant? If so, how many weeks gestation are you? Does the pain go anywhere or is it constant in your lower abdomen? There are so many question to be answered to give you a definitive answer to your question. I am sorry, I would suggest going to your doctor if the pain persists.

My cat swallowed a small thin wire. Will she pass it okay?

I was unwrapping my corsage so I could put the flower in water. Inside the wrap was little wires with lace attached for decoration. While I wasn't looking, my cat got one in her mouth. I held her down and tried to get it out but she scratched me up and swallowed it. Will she be okay? Are there signs I should look for if it starts to harm her?

DO you agree with Rep.Graves:Obama Admin is the most Anti-Business ever?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Weird dream! Comments?

It was just your unfulfilled wishes and desires from your subconscious coming up in your dream. It is normal to want to have a good dream again and the fact that you were happy and sad from it probably means that your feelings are conflicted.

I am scared of a relationship?

I really like this girl in my school. Her looks from her red hair, beautiful eyes, good looking body, smiley, and her personality of her is awesome, she actually talks to me, she is nice and sweet, we communicate pretty well. I want to go out with her so bad, I am not saying that I can though because every time I say I can get this certain girl, it never ever works out. But, anyways I really wanna go out with her, but I am scared of a relationship. I don't know why, every time I think about being in an actual relationship it makes my head foggy and I feel uncomfortable about it. Why is this?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Should someone buy stuff for an anniversary party and bill you without first asking you?

My brother's girlfriend spend $148 on flowers, paper plates, corsages, chocolate, and Champagne for my parent's 50th anniversary without consulting me. She then gave me what amounted to a bill. I am a father of four and we are a home schooling family, so we are on a very tight budget. To give her the benefit of the doubt, she might have thought she was doing me a favor. When I told her that me, my wife, and the kids wanted to pick out some of that stuff, and that I thought Champagne and chocolate were unnecessary since no one enjoys drinking and my mom, for whom the party is being thrown, is allergic to chocolate, she became very angry. Am I obligated to pay this bill? Am I crazy to feel manipulated?

Macbeth by shakespeare. The play effects?? Need help! Emergency! Thanks lots!?

Please help me find the stage effects in the play of ''Macbeth'' by shakespeare. For example, at the beginning of the play, the 3 witches appeared with the foggy smoke making it mystery. I need more of it. Anything will do (like the sound, light etcs) Please!!! Thanks very much~ (=

Plzz help! how to change this back?

I dont know what i did but now i cant watch anything well on my computer..i watch things on winamp and now i open something its really white and foggy and its stressful to even watch.. If it was related to the whole computer then shouldnt my desktop turn foggy too??? but it didnt so im thinking thats not it?how to make the display normal... God bless you if you answer his sincerely.....

Can i persuade sprint into giving me a phone thats on sale for $100 into giving it to me for free?

i will be a sprint 1st time customer and the phone i want cost $99 in there stores. but best buy,radio shack,target and wirefly,have it for free. and and letstalk have it for $9.99. one sprint rep over the phone said he could give it to me for $24. do you think if i call back i can find someone to give me the phone for free at sprint? and if so could i just pay my deposit over the phone with them then go pick my phone up tomorrow? will i have a problem in-store?

Should I hire a Reiki healer to help me with these problems?

I think you should try whatever is safe to try to regain your health. I would start with applied nutrition, the best book for that are Adelle Davis books Lets Eat Right to Keep Fit and Let's Get Well, fully documented easy reference guides that are easy to understand and hard to set down she is a fascinating writer and talent, you have to buy these books used. I would eat only healthy foods that man has not processed or packaged, and only expeller/cold pressed oils, butter no margerine, no hydrogenated oils, and probably take a digestive enzyme as your body is probably not digesting the food well enough to get the nutrients out. For abuse as a child I would suggest the book A New Earth by Edkhart Tolle. For every problem a solution, if you are willing to take the time and do the research. Eat only God Food, God in His wisdom knew what He/She was doing, man does not. I have heard good testimonials about Reiki, I also do something called polarity treatments, energy balancing that has helped people. Your glands run your metabolism, for them to work right you need high quality food and trace minerals, filtered water would help esp if you can get the floride out, fresh air, sunshine, exercise, juicing is good, wen oil is hydrogenated the essential fatty acids are destroyed which are essential because your body cannot make them, and you will be unhealthy without them, and can only build fat. expeller/pressed oils actually help you lose weight. Strange, but true.

I have question about prom?

where do the boutonnieres come from? do the girls buy them for the guys because i know the guys buy the corsages?

I've been using toning bands but I'm over weight, so will I not notice a result of any sort?

Yes, you'll see results, basically if you're feeling the burn, and keep exercising through it a little(basically I'd say keep doing reps till you're starting to get trouble keeping form, like shaking, or just locking up), you'll be really training the muscle.

In Charleston SC, there was tuns of smoke, where was it coming from?

I live in Charleston SC and two days ago all this smoke came from somewhere and literally made the entire city as well as all the surrounding suburbs covered in smoke to the point that it looked like it was foggy. I could as smell the burning smell like I was camping. Obvously it was comming from a forest fire. The question is what forest fire? I heard South Georgia had a forest fire. Was the smoke coming all the way from there (over 150 miles away)? Or was there any other nearby forest fires? I'm curious. I couldn't find anything on the news about it.

Strange saga, symptoms...?

This is a lot of different symptoms over along period of time. You really need to talk to a dr. about this. Too bad Dr. House is not available. But seriously, you really need to get this all checked out so you can stop worrying.

Is my cardio routine good?

Your cardio is good. You need to incorporate some core training as well if you want a 6 pack. You should also take a day to rest your muscles. You should loose 3-6 lbs a month with what you described.

Closest WARM beach to Sacramento Cali?

where is the closest warm beach from sacramento Cali? Not a foggy cold beach, but a warm one... say in JULY- AUG months

I have contacted my congressman about my passport.... now what?

My trip is in less than two weeks and I have already called the passport office and paid to have it expedited since each customer service rep tells me something different about when I should received my passport. One rep told me I didn't need to expedite, another told me if I did, it's not guaranteed to expedite, another told me everything is fine. Blah blah blah. So I decided to contact my congressman's office. The secretary offered to help and I sent over my authorization to release info form. But now what? Do I wait on the congressman's office to call back or keep checking in with the passport office. I'm not sure who to continue to contact now.

How do I stop feeling the need to seek attention elsewhere?

Okay, before I expect an answer, I'll go into some detail. I've always been considered a "quiet" person up until I graduated high school. I always have been a not very pretty and somewhat considered dorky girl up until I would say about eleventh grade. I also consider myself a hopeless romantic to some extent. Since I was fourteen, I have always been in a committed relationship never giving myself the chance to feel what it is like to be by myself for a while. Though I think it would be nice to experience the life of a single person, there are also benefits of having a significant other to me. I like always having someone to talk to and to do things together with. But now that I'm out of high school and living in a new town, I've aquired interest from other guys that I never thought I would have a chance with. The only problem with this is, I moved to this new town with my current boyfriend of two years now. I guess I should also say how we got together. Eleventh grade toward the end of the year, I was dating a rebound guy that I was not crazy about, but of course stayed with him because I knew I always had someone to at least talk to and hang out with. (BTW: You're probably wondering why I don't have any girl friends. Long story short, first boyfriend from age fourteen to sixteen completely controlled me and didn't let me keep in touch with anyone besides him outside of school. I never lost all of my girl friends, it's just that two years of not hanging out together really can let people lose touch with one another.) Anyways, there was a guy a year older than me in my one class that I really enjoyed flirting with. One day I got up the courage to just give him my number so we could be "friends with benefits." (BTW: I also am a very curious, sexual person. I know some people wait in relationships but I sort of let that be the first thing.) Of course, what single, eighteen year old guy is going to turn down some fun with an attractive girl that doesn't have a rep for doing things like this. Anyways, a month into it and I fell for him. I really tried not to, but I let my feelings get the best of me, like always. We started to date and everything went well for a year. I never had the urge to purposely flirt with other guys to get their attention. But towards my graduation, that changed. I cheated on him for the first time with a guy that I met once at a party. We texted for one day and made arrangements for me to come over and have sex with him. This "thing" lasted up until October until I had an arguement with this guy. This was all going on as I was now living and still dating my boyfriend. He never found out of this. I believe I would have kept at it to, if it weren't for that person and I getting into a heated arguement. This now leads me to the current situation at hand: In the past month, I met a guy that I thought was absolutely goregous in every way on the outside. He showed interest in me and gave me his number. We started texting and actually even talked on the phone a few times. I did this right in front of my boyfriend and always just called him a "friend." I did not feel guilty because for the past few months, my boyfriend has been texting other girls and being very secretive about it (I don't have a problem with him having girls as friends, I just don't like it seeming like he has to hide it), him not being nice like he used to be and treating me as if I'm a nuiscance (spelling?) to him, and letting our sex life basically go down the tubes. I felt the need to get revenge for all of this and do something that would catch his attention to show him "hey, if you're going to show little interest in me, I'll find someone else." So I had made plans with this other guy and arranged for us to meet up and have sex. It was so good the first time, we agreed to make a second arrangement. I know there is no future with this guy: we both have either a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Plus, he is the typical "player" which I'm a sucker to fall for. My current boyfriend was one, but somehow I made him an exception. Anyways, my boyfriend read some of our texts to each other that I forgot to delete while I was in the shower and found out I had cheated on him for the first time to his knowledge. He left me for two days but came back because this is where he lives and he really has no where else to go. It's been a few weeks since all of this, and we agreed that we are going to work through it and stay together. I guess my only problem is, I really feel that I love my boyfriend, but the only reason I haven't done it again is because I got caught. I know if I didn't, I would have slept with this other guy again. I don't know what my problem is, but I can't seem to delete this other guy's number from my phone. I guess I feel that i

What kind of corsage & boutonniere should I get??????? HELP?

use one of the colors in that belt part of the dress. it'll help bring that color out & it'll look great. just DON'T get yellow.

What is this vaginal bump? help!?

Hmm.. it could just be irritation. Or, to be honest, the guy could've been lying. And, you don't need to be a virgin to not have STD's. ANY sexual contact could transfer them. Some STD's take years, months to show up. Go for a test.

Empty chest feeling causing depression?

I don't think its a brain tumor. I would look in to numbing though. With numbing nothing really matters, and that bad in the world isn't really surprising. With you also don't feel many emotions, you may feel emotions on a few instances but as hole they are absent. You can get better with therapy. Most doctors would want therapy first before going on to any medicine. And you can always decline to take medicine. I hope you get better! I've put a link to article about numbing below =]

Will this routine keep me from getting used to the workout?

As long as you change up the routine or the weight amount every so often you should continue gaining mass, but I would say go for it.

Ive been rejected by alot of girls and it hurts help.?

Ive had one gorlfriend and it was long distance but she seemed pretty so I got her but I only saw her once and we hugged and I never kissed her, so that lasted about 4 months and then she dumped me because of me asking for things and distance, but thats my success in the dating world. Heres where I failed, ive tryed to.get girls over the years im 16, but at least 7 have rejected me and most girls dont like me because I have a bad rep or did because im doing better now. But im addicted to facebook and friends woth alot of people, on there I see girls that I have no chance with, gorls that wont respond to me ect. I get really depressed because I feel that no girl will ever like me and I always pray about it, I have friends but im always the third wheel and it makes me sad. I always try and be myself around girls and not sombody else, im outgoing and not bad looking I just need help, oh and ive never kissed a gorl either. Please

Prom Question. Corsage Color and How to Order?

These days, it's much more common to ask your date what colour she would like, instead of surprising her. I'm sure she'd appreciate you asking her input. You can go to any florist, who will let you browse catalogues and offer advice. Then, you place your order to be picked up the morning or afternoon of prom. If you don't know any florists, many supermarkets with a flower section will put together corsages.

Who do I clean my headlights?

My headlights look so foggy! And I have no idea why. I've tried scrubbing with soaps and water but once the water dries it jus comes right back! Help please.

I need help with prom?

I think a white corsage might be better, but if you're up for wearing purple... A gold vest, white shirt and purple tie (; or that's what i think. But change the colour of the corsage depending on what colour tie you're comfortable wearing. Or find out her fave colour? So like match your tie to her corsage...

If you stop in the middle of a certain exercise, will it mess up your whole workout?

I started to do this certain workout and I had to do 1 set of 150 reps. If I did 100 reps then rest for 2 minutes and then continued the 50 other reps would it screw up my whole exercise and workout?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

What color corsage for prom? (Black tux/red shirt, black dress)?

My date has a short black dress. I'm wearing a black tux with a red shirt and red tie. What color corsage would be good for her to wear? Would white roses be OK if red are unavailable?

What is wrong with my tiger oscar?

the oscar has like foggy bubbles on him and he also has them on his eyes and he is not moving but he is still alive what is wrong?

Am I working out so much that it will stunt my growth?

You should stay away from honey mustard dressing if you even eat it, otherwise, I don't think working out would necessarily have that much impact on how much you grow, but if you are concerned you could have your mom take you to your doctor to ask questions.

I need help with prom?

so my date is wearing a white and gold dress, more white than gold. im just wondering what color dress shirt, vest, and tie should i wear to match her. Will a purple corsage and boutineer be looking good?? any suggestion?

Would this look good for prom?

I have a long plain black dress with silver shoes. I was thinking of doing red lipstick (but not SUPER bright), simple updo, pearl necklace/earrings and then my date could wear a black tux with white shirt, red vest, and red tie. Then we'd have a red corsage and boutonniere. Thoughts?

What should we do for our prom boutonniere/corsage?

im in highschool too, and i take horticulture/ floral design. you should deffinatly do white roses! with like a silver bow in your corsage or a black bow and those fake little leaves that you can get in silver, and many other colors. most of the flower shops you go to have different types of wristlets, and you can get silver ones. it sounds like your highlighting the silver, thats why i suggested it. but deffinatly white roses! they look good with everything.

POLL: Why do Teenage moms and High School Dropouts get a bad rep in our society?

Kids who get suspended or expelled or go straight to a JR college after high school do as well. Why?

Do you think it would be lame if a girl didn't have a corsage at prom?

no. hardly anyone pays attention to that stuff anyways. I think corsages are dumb and a waste of money anyway. when your at the dance/party/ whereever you go that night NO ONE actively looks to see who has a corsage and who doesnt and if someone asks just be like "sh*t whered it god, damn...musta fell off =("

Who are the hottest anime guys and anime couplesIdo you agree with me?)?

I haven't seen much anime but I do agree with the ones that I recognize. But you've forgotten Inuyasha x Kagome and (my personal favourite) Kyon x Haruhi.

Does she like me or was it "in the moment"?

Um, she sounds like a bit*ch, no offense. I mean, she untagged herself in the photos??? Kinda REALLY rude. Does she seem embarrassed of you or something (perhaps she's bipolar?). Either way, something isn't right here. She's obviously playing games, and my opinion is that whatever the reason might be that she is playing these games isn't worth sitting around waiting for. I'd move on and start ignoring her. If she really likes you she'll chase you.

What the heck is going on with the dems?

.....Weiner, Hastings D-FL, Blagovich, Massachusetts State Rep Mark J Cusack, Charles Rangel, D-NY, Carolyn Kilpatrick D-MI, Bennie Thompson, D-MS, Donald Payne D-NJ, and Delegate Donna Christensen D-VI.

How fast can Alzheimer's disease progress?

There's really NO standard "progression"- with Alzheimer's. It can advance fairly rapidly in Some. -And drag out over a Decade- for Others. And since the Brain "Connections" are randomly "winking out" -all over a persons head, all KINDs of functions are being Afflicted,- from memories, to perceptions, to bodily functions- you name it. And the Horrific part of the "Process" IS; that the Individuals themSELVES- are "aware" they're "losing it"- and They become increasingly confused, frightened, & "lost"- ALL at the Same time. :( Needless to Say; the further this Insidious Malady advances, the HARDER it gets to Watch & Care For- the Person with it. And since Their Bodies tend to "Outlive" their Minds in most Cases, most people with Alzheimer's -spend their remaining months or years in Nursing Homes or Extended Care facilities...

I'm a 20 year old woman, this is my benchpress routine?

That sounds pretty good. I mean, I'm assuming you aren't trying to bulk up, so a routine like that is more geared towards endurace/small strength gains/and muscle hypertrophy. Normally people will do 12/10/8 or 8/6/4, but as long as you are challenging yourself with your rep ranges you can set them however you'd like.

How do I complete burpee workout?

I've been doing the burpee prison cell workout where you do one rep (with pushup), rest 30 seconds; do two reps, rest 30 seconds; all the way up to 20 reps. I'm stalled at sixteen and my heart rate is through the roof at this point. Has anybody else plateaued like this and how do you break through?

An ebay buyer with no rep and joined today?

So im relatively new to ebay i have bought a few things but 3 days ago i decided to try selling my Xbox 360. Today a bid is placed on it by a buyer with 0 reputation and joined today june 27th. Is this a "scam buyer"? if so how do i avoid selling my product to him and not get scammed? thanks

Should bride wear a corsage? (I will have a bouquet)?

What a great idea. You could use the bouquet during the ceremony and then put the corsage on for the reception as it is awkward to carry a bouquet around all day long. This is a wonderful idea. Perhaps if you have your corsage made with one or two of the bouquet flowers, it will be cohesive and carry through your floral theme. Again, great idea.

Am I too small to wrestle at 285?

I'm around 5'10 and 220lbs I have a big frame but I'm not one that eats alot and I usually tone when I lift weights if I ate more and lifted heavier weight with less reps for size could I wrestle at 285

Can I travel on the current uk visa I have?

No it will not create any problems. It often happens that students need to postpone their entry for a semester since they did not apply for their visa early enough. The new confirmation of acceptance for studies will not create any problems either as long as the sponsor whose license number is endorsed on the visa is the same. Just make sure that you carry the same documentation that you have used for the visa application in your carry-on baggage so that you can present it to the U.K. Immigration Officer on entry..

Does anyone know the movie about . . ?

I don't know the full movie , but basically at the end of the movie , this man kills his kids and his wife . And there in a car and it is all misty and foggy around the car . I think there were other people in the car that he shot , but i dont remember. And I think he was gonna kill himself but he gets out of the car and he's see a truck's headlight . . And he is like screaming . I think he kills them because the world was supposed to end . Ughh i really wanna watch the movie again . Please I hope someone knows and this happened at the end of the movie .

Which after party dress will look best on me?

I actually really like all of those dresses! But I especially like the second, half polka dot one. I think the fourth one is probably the hottest/sexiest though....but I'm a girl and my opinion's prob slightly different so if you're trying to impress a guy, I would get a guys opinion first. And I also like the last they're all good!

It was something liek a dream, I think its somekindof warning?

I dreamed something I can't remember and when I woke up and I was opening my eyes everything in my bedroom was a little foggy and I looked at the place I put my cam(not a webcam), and it wasnt laying down it was like it raised as if it was stood up and from the hole of the lens it came out an eye(and the iris was red, I believe!), like in the cartoons when a character is spying through a hole on another chracter?in the cartoon is funny but it scared the crap out of me.I don't know if I was awake or asleep at all.Could this be a warning?or, does it have something to do with some kind of an universal ocult meaning for a red eye ball?

Is all of the muscle I had when I was heavier and stronger still there?

I have been "dieting" for 6 months and have seen very good fat lose results. At the same time though, I was not as careful as I should have been and I lost strength during the process. My bench press was 250 and last time I maxed a little over a month ago I was at 225. I would guess I'm a little bit less than that now too based off of what I've been doing for sets and reps on bench. My chest is also noticable smaller which I am slowly getting used to (in all honesty I realize some of it was fat but it also feels and looks like the muscles are smaller). I have read that the only way to naturally lose muscle is through atrophy. Does that mean that all of the muscle I had when I was heavier and stronger is still there? When I go back to eating enough/slightly more than enough calories to meet my Total Daily Energy Expenditure will the size and strenght come back fairly quickly?

DO you agree with Rep.Graves:Obama Admin is the most Anti Business ever?

a href=",or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=a1585342030d6a54&biw=1128&bih=518" rel="nofollow"…/a

I hacked a girls fb? 10 pnts!?

i hacked a girls fb lik 2 yrs ago it was already dealt with she called the cops cause shes crazy i appologized . she ruined my rep pretty much made my life hell, told everyone so then like two months ago she found a pic id put up in a random blog like at the time i hacked her fb i forgot to take down its nothing bad i deleted it,said sorry that was from two years ago and she said she appreciated my appology, i thought we were ok now then she goes and makes fun of me w/ this other guy on fb AGAIN..idk what to do

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What should I do to get in shape?

I am 6'1" and 140 pounds and built pretty skinny, I am trying to start exercising daily with pushups, crunches and running. How many reps of each do you think I should do to get started and how often should I add reps?

Cloudy fish tank water from new gravel. will it go away or harm my fish?

so i have had my tank for like 4 months, and i did all the cycling and stuff like that and water changes. Everything was going really well, the water was super clean and clear and the fish were all good. but i noticed that i needed more gravel because i cheaped out and didnt buy enough at the beginning. so i bought some more, and i thought i washed it thoroughly. but when i added the gravel, my water became very foggy. i just added some water clarifier. will this fogginess go away and will it harm my 2 cichlids?

Colour for makeup for prom?

I have a floor length backless dress, that is covered completely in shimmering black beads with a river of silver that flows (it looks like the milky way). My heels are silver and corsage is purple and silver. Should I paint my nails silver or black?? And for makeup, should I do purple and silver??? or should I just go with black?? Any other ideas are welcome!

What could be wrong with me.?

It sounds to me as if you are really stressed. If so, you should find something you can do to release it.

Do I have a concussion?

It is possible you'd be suprised at how EASY it is to get a concussion espessialy if you've had one before if you haven't had a concussion befor and your head didn't snap back fast you MOST like do not have a concussion but it is still possible... You get a concussion from your brain hitting your skull and they are VERY seriouse so I would not worry but DO follow up with your doctor... Oh and GET an imPACT test done they help a lot in diagnosis of concussions!!!! Hope I helped and GOOD LUCK!!!!

Are these symptoms of pink eye?

okayy so my eye just randomly started to get read today and it just feels weird and foggy and like i have something in it, but i dontt. i didnt use any ones towel or anything but i did climb a roof today and touched alot could it be from that? and i also have had this clear bubble not on my eye but the water line of it. any ideas what it could be? thanks! :)

Whats a good dumbell workout routine for chest, triceps shoulders, biceps ,back and forearms.?

if i want to do it at home with 2kg and 3 kg dumbells?please guys i need the name of the exercises and also need to know on which days to do them and with how many reps .I have a pair of 2lg and a pair of 3 kg dumbells.

Is it weird if a guy doesn't wear a boutonniere to prom?

I brought a corsage for my date but I don't know if she's getting me a boutonniere and it feels weird to ask. I don't really wanna buy myself a boutonniere so is it fine if I don't wear a boutonniere at prom?

How long can an HIV virus live outside the human body on a sewing pin?

let me paint the scenario, a person sewing pins on several pin on chest corsages and pricked her finger. later, A HEW HOURS LATER a person wanted to attach the corsage on his chest and pricked his finger. is it possible to get infected assuming that the first person has HIV?? note: it happened several hours later, the pin was semi wiped as it passed through the shirt before it reached the other persons finger. and there was no VISIBLE blood in the pin (since it's not visible it cant be a lot) how long would the virus be infective??

Is all of the muscle I had when I was heavier and stronger still there?

I have been "dieting" for 6 months and have seen very good fat lose results. At the same time though, I was not as careful as I should have been and I lost strength during the process. My bench press was 250 and last time I maxed a little over a month ago I was at 225. I would guess I'm a little bit less than that now too based off of what I've been doing for sets and reps on bench. My chest is also noticable smaller which I am slowly getting used to (in all honesty I realize some of it was fat but it also feels and looks like the muscles are smaller). I have read that the only way to naturally lose muscle is through atrophy. Does that mean that all of the muscle I had when I was heavier and stronger is still there? When I go back to eating enough/slightly more than enough calories to meet my Total Daily Energy Expenditure will the size and strenght come back fairly quickly?


I asked a friend for allergy medication the next dayt she gave me 6 white oval pills and she told me it was claritan. when i took it a pill at my externship about 20 minutes later my eyes were foggy , my heart was racing, sweating prefusely, dry mouth , my eyes were dialat and had involuntary facial and body twitching I asked her husband if he could check the allergy medications at his house .He explained that he had taken one two nights before and has had very simiilar reaction. well. This happened yessterday at 12pm and Now around my mouth and nose are cchapped and red I have sores on my cheaks, my t0ngue is sensitive still having involunary twiitching. I want to know what it I was drugged with??

Prom- corsage and boutonniere question. Please help?

So I am a freshman so never ever had a formal dance but since I go to private school I have prom this year. My date- good friend, but coming strictly as a friend is coming from out of state and only arrives the day before prom. He is my age. Do I expect him to get me a corsage if he knows nothing about prom, I dont even know if he knows what it is. Should we just leave it or should I ask him? Is it weird to ask as a friend, also do I get him his boutonniere. Or what. Please tell me in my situation who would get the corsage and boutonniere, and if i do how should I bring it up to him?

How much should a person like me weigh?

I'm a 14 year old girl, I play rep hockey, so a lot of my weight is muscle. I'm 5"4. What should I weigh?

Should someone buy stuff for an anniversary party and bill you without first asking you?

My brother's girlfriend spend $148 on flowers, paper plates, corsages, chocolate, and Champagne for my parent's 50th anniversary without consulting me. She then gave me what amounted to a bill. I am a father of four and we are a home schooling family, so we are on a very tight budget. To give her the benefit of the doubt, she might have thought she was doing me a favor. When I told her that me, my wife, and the kids wanted to pick out some of that stuff, and that I thought Champagne and chocolate were unnecessary since no one enjoys drinking and my mom, for whom the party is being thrown, is allergic to chocolate, she became very angry. Am I obligated to pay this bill? Am I crazy to feel manipulated?

Are coke and pepsi like our Dems and reps both will share the counter as long as there is no RC at thefountain?

There is no real difference between Coke and Pepsi, and neither is there between Democrats and Republicans.

What colors go well with ivory-white colored prom dress?

I suggest warm colors, like bronze and natural brown color for make up, gold for accessories, try gold or light creamy brown for shoes, and the same ivory white for corsage :) just an idea

Prom ettiquette for next weekend?

I would wear the jacket when you go to the door. You can take it off shortly thereafter if you go in to sit down or when you get in the car. Parents always want to see the kids all dressed up. A handshake is fine for the dad, and a hug for the mom really depends on the type of person she is. You can't go wrong with a simple handshake for both. It is less awkward than trying to hug someone you don't know well. At dinner I would imagine there will be air conditioning. If you can tolerate it, you should probably leave the sleeves rolled down. All that being said, don't sweat all those small details. Just have fun.

What doese this mean? has it happened to you? best answer 10 points?

during class. i made eye contact with him to be respectfull. I noticed that his eyes became very foggy and intense and helpless and we had a moment of strong eye contac

I always cry when i see people's pics from prom?

I feel ya on this one. I've never went out w/ a boy before, never kissed one, and I went to prom this yr, but w/ my bestfriend. And he's gay. I knew no one was gonna ask me so I really wanted a date so I asked him. Pretty pathetic if u ask me. Idk what my future holds, but for both of us, it should be pretty good :)

What colors go well with ivory-white colored prom dress?

What color are your eyes & hair? If you have dark eyes or blue eyes...try a cool color. (blue, purple, pink, burgundy, silver) If you have green or hazel eyes try a warm color (yellow, orange, yellowy green, gold)

Someone explain homecoming to a (not yet) freshman?

homecoming really is not that big of a deal. girls basically wear short dresses (no long ones like for prom) and im not sure about others, but my school only like two people had corsages and they were people who had already been dating. honestly, not that many people had dates to homecoming at all, its kind of more of a go and grind line with random people and just have fun kind of thing. everyone got together with a group of friends to take some picture before and then whoever's house youre at their parents drive everyone. wear a shorter dress (not up your butt, but above the knees) like a party dress, and heels or flats. bring a camera in case you want to take pictures, money to get in if you dont have to have bought tickets already, and a purse with makeup and/or deoderant as homecoming is when you dance A LOT. its kind of just one big casual party where you get a little dressed up. corsages are more of a prom thing, same for buttonieres. i really dont see a need for a date UNLESS you are dating someone already, then its kind of like a must. unless your school is different and all of your friends besides you have a date, then id probably get one.

I hacked a girls fb? 10 pnts!?

like 2 yrs ago it was already dealt with she called the cops cause shes crazy i appologized . she ruined my rep pretty much made my life hell, told everyone so then like two months ago she found a pic id put up in a random blog like at the time i hacked her fb i forgot to take down its nothing bad i deleted it,said sorry that was from two years ago and she said she appreciated my appology, i thought we were ok now then she goes and makes fun of me w/ this other guy on fb AGAIN..idk what to do


I have this prom project due tomorrow morning for my business class and i cant find the rental cost of a tux at al men's warehouse...and i also cant find a website for any corsages and boutonnieres, limo rentals and a really really good fancy restaurant..CAN ANYBODYBHELP ME?? and to that person who can i will give then 10pts!!

Have you ever been pied? (I now have haha!)?

Oh my gosh...if your family pulls this kind of **** all the time I wish I were part of it. I love people that don't always take things so seriously.

What was this man I seen?

Me, my dad,my mom and my uncle were going to a concert. It was about a four or five hour drive. When we got there the concert was cancelled we were really bummed out. So we just hung around for a while then we started on our way back. About 3 or so hours into the drive home we hit a big mountain called Kellys mountain. It started to get really cold and foggy out cause it's on top of a mountain. We were just driving along I was in the back seat. I just had my eyes on the road watching then in almost the middle of the road I seen a smokey dark figure which looked just like a man it walked toward the car as we past it then it was gone in the blink of an eye. This jolted me out if my seat I almost had a heart attack. My father said he seen it too but my mom and uncle didn't. I'm not sure if it was real or not we were driving for hours and I was really tired. But the mountain has a long history of death people have died in car accidents and being hit by cars god knows what else. I don't know what it was but it intertrst me.

Do residents of Chicago like their summers?

Chicago, speaking purely on the weather, does not have a very good reputation. I do not live near there, and I was last there June 8, 1995 on a crossover flight at 2 p.m. ( it was foggy and 57 that day, but the day before and after it was warmer). I know that people complain that the winters are cold - and they are, and that the lake retards the warmth brought by Spring for several weeks. However, they seem to have nice, warm summers with the occasional 75ish high and 55ish low every dozen days or so after a cool front goes thru. In addition, the city averages 16 days above 90 degrees (8 days on the Lakefront). Still, the normal high temperatures from mid June until late August average 80 or higher, and the lake does the opposite effect in September - for people who hate cold weather, those first few cold fronts that you all get in September - when far inland areas drop to 45 degrees, people who live near the lake will not fall any lower then 60 degrees. I was wondering, what you think of Chicago summers, even if they don't last as long as you like them to. At least you still get some warm 80 degree days as late as October normally, and as early as April. Also, the water temperature normally peaks around 80 degrees in August, does it not?

What do you do to order a boutineer or a corsage for prom?

i've never been to prom before so i don't know what to do, haha. how far ahead of time should i order it? and do i just order the boutineer and my date will get the corsage? or do we go order them together so they match? i'm clueless haha.

Does recieving $250K in federal farm subsidies make Michele Bachmann more or less of a Socialist?

it makes her more of a socialist than not. If she's so against socialism, why not deny the subsidies?

Prom question please help.?

I kind of messed up prom for my girlfriend so I wanna make it up to her but I can't think of a way to make it up. So far I'm thinking of getting her a corsage and taking her to the rose garden and surprise her with a picnic. But I can't think of any more ideas =( please help

Walking from Foggy Bottom to to U St in Georgetown, is it safe?

From the Metro Station at Foggy Bottom to Ben's Chili Bowl on U St in Georgetown, How far and is it safe to walk?

I need some major help concerning Generalized Anxiety Disorder. i feel so helpless :'(?

Pray.Doctor.Meds. And remember your not alone God ,family members , and just strangers are here to help. Hope this helps. Oh and ask your doc about sertraline it is magic!!!!!

Why are Wealthy Republicans here in the South West responsible for illegal immigration?

It's cheaper to hire illegals and pay them low wages under the table than to pay half of a legal persons SSN and pay enough for them to pay taxes. That's how Republicans operate. They believe in illegal immigration if it benefits them. Simply put ... GREED

Are depersonalization episodes suppose to feel like this?

Quite frankly it doesn't sound like stress or depersonalization, more like you're simply bored. I see nothing in your words that lead me to think you need any kind of medications because I see no symptoms of any illness.

Rubbing my arms when I sleep?

This will probably sound weird to a lot of you but I find myself rubbing my arms in the middle of the night. I wake up but I am half asleep half awake and I slightly rub my arms with my finger tips and it feels so good. Like 10 times more good then if you do it when your awake.The next morning I remember doing it but its very foggy. Do we go through some kind of exctasy phase when we are sleep?

What is Columbia College Chicago's reputation?

I really, really love it the more I look into it. But, I've heard a few people say it has a bad reputation. Does it? Why would it have a bad rep, other than it being open admissions?

Shoulder workout questions?

I know that you workout each of the 3 heads of the shoulders: front, lateral, rear heads. When doing exercises that workout one of these heads, should I do 3 reps (10 - 10 - 8) for each of the heads, or just do one set, because it gets very tiring?

I am a very weak man in the lower back and leg muscles. Am I making decent progress on the deadlift?

your ability in the lower portion of your body cannot be diagnosed on what you have said above , see a bio physiologist

Friday, July 15, 2011

She wears the bracelet..?

It sounds like she wants to be in a relationship with you. If she wears the bracelet that often then shes trying to remember things from that night, ask her about it! its worth a shot! let us know how it goes :) GOOD LUCK!

Should I stay with my boyfriend till grad?

Our grade 12 graduation is on the 24th, so just over a week. We have had a rocky relationship (a lot of fights, drama, and lies) and I seriously don't feel like I can take it anymore!!! I knew it wouldn't last after grad about a month ago but I was going to tough it out so we would both still have dates and have a happy non-drama night to remember but it has been so hard. He's really jealous and he works with these bitchy girls that I don't get along with and they told him I'm cheating and I'm not so he's freaking out and wants to beat up my friend and I am just so sick of it!!!! I didn't do anything wrong yet he still listens to them! Ugh. Anyways if we break up now we're going to have a hard time finding dates plus we match perfectly already and it's too late to buy a new dress/tux and we have a $70.00 corsage and boutannneer ordered that much us.. but I seriously can't stand this drama anymore! I'm so over it.

Have recently been feeling a strange feeling of a foggy type head, disconnected and difficulty concentrating?

I have recently started to experience what I can only describe as sort of 'disconnected' feeling, almost like I feel drunk/high but Im not, and have great difficulty concentrating. I have also been experiencing difficulty with my congnitive function i.e short term memory and language. I am getting worried about this, as I am only 25 and dont know what is wrong? I also had blurry vision so I recently got glasses thinnking this would all go away but my eyesight is better but I still have the cloudy type head? Please help me with some answers?

Prom corsage what color am i suppose to get?

her dress is hot pink with silver sequins on the front and i'm wearing a black tux with silver vest and pink tie

Is coffee good or bad for studying?

Caffeine is a mild stimulant, and it does wake some folks up in the morning. I couldn't function without it. By the same token, it can keep you awake at night. If that isn't a problem for you, then drink away.

Are Communists only good as long as you don't let them run your government?

There's a difference between the Libertarian Left and the Authoritarian Left. For us on the Libertarian Left, socialism is seen as an eventual and inevitable outcome of Western Democracy - though the Right and the Corporations are doing a pretty good job of suppressing this for as long as possible.

Too Much For A 13 Year Old?

Hi. I am thinking to wear a light pink/peach fitted blazer with ruched sleeve and a flower corsage pinned on, the top underneath is a a plain white tee and on top of that a plain creamy white crop top, paired with black skinnys and really low wedged brown gladiators , also just some accesories like a necklace and pearly bracelets. I want to wear this to a theme park that me and my friends are going to, but do you think i'd look fake an grown up?

What should i do with my kids? Answers URGENT?

A day at the spa maybe? A kiddie spa , the little kid (6) will love it and the older kids(10,11,13) will feel mature. Hope i helped !!

How to preserve/dry a corsage?

I recieved one at a school dance and i want to keep it, is it possible to dry or preserve? Ps im not sure if i spelt corsage right i mean a flower braclet

Is the baby bump the latest prom accessory?

You are right. Teen pregnancy has been glamorized in the last few years, and shows such as "Teen Mom" (I think that is the name) just make things worse. It`s definitely not as socially unacceptable as it used to be. It`s sad actually.

How to stop foggy water in pool?

Probably either the hardness level or the alkalinity level, which is different than PH. I've found that if the hardness is off just a little bit it is difficult to get it clear.

Trying to match for Prom?!?!? HELP!?

personally, i think it's too much white. if its not too much trouble, i think the tux should be blue, the boutenierre is white, and the tie gold. you have to wear a little more blue though.


I'll admit that I didn't read any of that. But I honestly think that this country, in the state it's in now, would be better off run by a rock with googly eyes glued on.

Is it me or the place?

Pray to god . Recite bible passages and say christ's real name Yahashuah and say he will win . Then get out of there . Get some orgone if necessary .

Peed blood this morning?(I am a girl)?

Hi guys. So this morning, I felt a bit dizzy, and as I went to the bathroom, I urinated. No pain at all just your regular peeing sensation. As I went to wipe, I wiped all the way down, starting from my bottom to my uh... female part... and as I raised it, I saw blood. I wear glasses, but I wasn't at that moment, so it could have had a tint of brown.(Meaning my period would come soon.. but it wasn't sticky..) But I'm sure it was blood, as I wiped my clitoral hood seeing a speck on it, the speck on the toilet paper was blood red. I was terrified... I know my anus wasn't bleeding because I wiped both spots individually. I looked in the toilet, and saw some blood in there as well, it was a bit foggy. I am well aware it could be my period, but I want to make sure. Because a few short minuets ago after urinating, I felt light headed. And the day before I urinated a lot..oh, and my age could serve a purpose as well. I am twelve, turning thirteen in September.

Can I sue cricket wireless for a mistake on my account? If yes, how?

I made a payment at a cricket dealer and got a receipt. The company claims the payment is not in the system. They asked for proof by fax, so I faxed it (have a fax receipt and spoke with a rep to confirm). The company has cancel my service several times because of this payment (I have missed important calls and paid airtime). I have talked to several reps, still the issue not resolved. The reps will not connect me to management. Can I sue cricket? And for how much?

HELP ASAP!! My betta fish is laying at the bottom of it's bowl with one fin up!?

I've has this fish for only two months now. I have been on vacation for two weeks and my friend was suppose to be watching it but when I got back her bowl and my other fishes bowl were foggy and seems dirty. My other fish is fine, but my other betta in laying at the bottom, seems lifeless no gills moving and it little fin was kind of moving. As soon as I saw this I changed it's water as soon as I could. my friend sAid she she did feed them every other day. SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON!!

Why do girls seem to like hot tub leg wrestling?

hahahhaha i've never heard of this "game" and i'm sure none of my friends have either haha i think she just wants to show off her strength!!! did you ask her why she likes it so much??

With the new health care bill, what are the benefits and does this make health care "free"?

The house of reps and senate passed the health care bill, I was just confused as to what were the benefits of this bill and if health care is now universal? It doesn't seem to be but then I don't understand what this bill does! Please explain. Also, don't make any remarks about "free" health care, I'm already fully aware that "nothing is free".

Mono Symptoms, can you relate to any of them?

Yes they're normal. I had mono for about two months. It was pretty severe, I had hallucinations from the high fever and had many steroid shots to keep the swelling of my tonsils down enough to breathe. I wasn't eating more than a half a cup of soup a day so I transformed into skin and bones. I don't really remember much as I was asleep or completely out of it from the fever most of the time. Also, the symptoms you speak of may be your body just being weak from the illness and bedrest. A healthy diet and some exercise will help your body recover and raise your energy slowly but surely. If this doesn't work then see a doctor and tell him about it and maybe he can help.

What prom dress should i get with these shoes?

I agree with the other answerer, those shoes are not good for prom. They are not dressy, as prom is a formal event. You should find a dress, then find the shoes!

Highschool PROM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

My prom is on the 22nd of June, and I'm wearing a very short pouffy royal blue dress with diamante detailing, with a silver tiara, silver diamante clutch and shoes and long blonde wavy hair. What should I do for my make-up? Any ideas? Tips on anything else to do with prom (losing v-plates, getting out the car, whether to do corsages, who to dance with etc.) would be great! Thanks (: <3

What colour shoes and bag would match this dress?

I really like this dress ... a href=",100.000&Rf-300=1331&sh=0&pge=0&pgesize=200&sort=-1&clr=Grey" rel="nofollow"…/a .. the grey one! and i want it for my school leavers summer ball, but im not sure what colour shoes and bag would go with it?

Could My sister be pregnant??? Help!?

My 18 year old sister had sex on the 26th of last month with her boyfriend. (She had a pregnancy scare in March this year) She decided to use the same method that almost got her pregnant last time. The pull-out method! (Shes not very smart) So anyways, I want to study to be a gynecologist or really any kind of doctor when I get to collage so I'm doing all the research and things for her. (Signs and everything.) Last time, I bought her 5 pregnancy tests. She took three after her missed period and they came up negative. She said she wasn't ever having unprotected sex again! (Well she did) Her friend thought she was pregnant so my sister lent her a pregnancy test. She only has 1 left now. (Her friend was only 1 week after sex and her test was negative.) I have done a lot of research on pregnancy symptoms and signs, I have a feeling my sister won't be so lucky this time. She has plenty of symptoms. She is now 5 weeks in to the pregnancy (if she is pregnant) I keep trying to convince her to take the test but she won't until her next period and only if she misses it. Her pregnancy symptoms are: Cramping, fatigue, mood swings, temperature change, backache, constant urination, spotting, discharge, hungry more often then usual, dizziness, metallic taste, nausea, foggy memory, and a few more but those are right off the top of my head. I understand some are signs of a period (her period should begin on Monday if she isn't pregnant) but she rarely will experience cramping, bloating, or mood swings/PMS. Could she be pregnant? If so, How can I convince her take a pregnancy test?

Trying to find the right outfit for our school dance?

Okay, so I just moved to London a few days ago and my school is having a dance on Friday. It's not a formal, corsage, dress and suit kind of dance, but one of the dances where girls wear their tightest pants and jam to rock music. I need something to wear. I was hoping not to wear heels, as I'm going to be walking home after with my friends. Maybe converse? I have the jeans picked out (skinny and dark wash) but I need a top to wear. Our school isn't allowed tank tops or tube tops, so it will have to be something with sleeves. I am also open to earring and necklace/bracelet suggestions (make up would be great too). Please help, I'm really trying to impress my boyfriend and just have a good time. And maybe my first kiss? :D

Is a Giant Schnauzer a good watch dog?

I have owned an American Bulldog, GSD and I now own a APBT. However, The APBT has gotten such a bad rep. that I'm really skeptical about ever purchasing another one. Mine is an extremely well mannered dogs and spoiled rotten! I love the look of Giants and from what I've researched, Giants make great watch dogs as well as a family companion. Any thoughts?

Can I get her a rose for a dance?

You can buy flowers that are pinned on to a band and worn on the wrist like a bracelet, that wont get ruined and wont have to go into the coat check room. Roses are definately very beautiful, a red rose however is a symbol of love, if you dont want her to get the wrong idea then how about getting her a pink rose, that is for friendship. Have a good time.

Prom NAILS color coordinating?!?

Burgundy would be pretty but would stand out a little. Can't you get nail polish that's bright yellow and matches your corsage and possibly your date's tie? If not, though, burgundy would be pretty.

Weight Lifting after an injury?

I just recently got over my back injury. before the injury i went to the gym alot to workout, but after i got injured i had to take 3-4 weeks off of all exercising. I love to workout and im glad i can do it again but when i went to the gym today i couldn't lift as much as i could before, i use to be able to bench 135 for my warm up and then do heavier weights for my actual sets and today i could barely do 135 6 reps. i understand after not lifting for a couple weeks id lose results that i had worked so hard to get but not like this..... is this normal? how long does it take for me to be able to lift my previous regular weight? what would be the best way for me to build back up?? please help me out , thank you

Ok this is an exercise question.... mabye has to do with teen horomones (mine) i WILL choose best answer.?

You give yourself a good workout. You're blessed with the will power to workout and strong muscles. Take it. Don't ask questions. There's nothing wrong with you, and thats all you need to question

What color corsage should i get my date?

her dress is hot pink with silver sequins on the front and i'm wearing a black tux with silver vest and pink tie

How many in a rep? A set?

you lift the weight up and down 5 - 10 times then take a rest. Then do it again until you have completed 5 - 10 reps 4 - 6 times.

Compensation from for invalid reservation...?

Well, if they didn't charge you, not much. You don't really sue people because they gave bad customer service. You may want to look for a contact address and write to an actual person, because hand-written letters get a lot more attention nowadays (because nobody sends them anymore!). If they put a charge on your credit card, contact your credit card company and they will fight it for you.

Can you get HIV/AIDS from a sewing pin?

let me paint the scenario, a person with HIV/AIDS placed sewing pins on several pin on chest corsages and pricked her finger. later, A HEW HOURS LATER a person wanted to attach the corsage on his chest and pricked his finger. is it possible to get infected? note: several hours later, the pin was semi wiped as it passed through the shirt before it reached the other persons finger. and there was no VISIBLE blood in the pin. please give me a yes or no question, not a maybe or depends.

A bit of prom help for a clueless guy please?

Most time if you go to the flower shop and tell them the color of the dress or show a pic they can help you with the color of the flower. I preferred real flowers bc its more personal that way... plus 5 years from now shes probably not going to remember the flowers so i wouldn't spend the money to get artificial. hope that works.. have fun:)

Should I kiss this guy tomorrow?

To get down to the basics, guy in my physics class, cheated on his girl friend, i dont think he is really attractive, but attractive, wasn't attracted to him when we flirted at first, but once we hugged when i told him issues about my family (it was a really caring hug), i felt like he really cared about me, i didnt even ask for a hug, he just did it. That was in a party two or three days ago, and he kept wanting to hang out with me in the party, i know he wants and gets girls a lot cause he has the rep and cause of his past, so i think he wants to kiss me, but like i can't trust him, and i kissed a guy not made out and im worried about that too. And tomorrow im seeing him so idk what to do...

Will my coaches football workout make my body cut?

Haha, I would say so! Any regular exercise will help to tone and this seems more than adequate. If you eat everything in moderation, focus on getting plenty of protein, and replace your typical beverages with water you're guarenteed to see some changes to your build. By "cut" I assume you mean something a little more than just a little toning... So if you don't see drastic enough changes after 2 weeks or so then add some more muscle-building exercises to your regiment. Just don't forget to eat right and drink lots of water everyday!

What color corsage would go well with a bright yellow prom dress?

for that see i was feeling to knw about that same but finally got a fine and satisfactory answer over there

Thursday, July 14, 2011

I hacked a girls fb? 10 pnts!?

i hacked a girls fb lik 2 yrs ago it was already dealt with she called the cops cause shes crazy i appologized . she ruined my rep pretty much made my life hell, told everyone so then like two months ago she found a pic id put up in a random blog like at the time i hacked her fb i forgot to take down its nothing bad i deleted it,said sorry that was from two years ago and she said she appreciated my appology, i thought we were ok now then she goes and makes fun of me w/ this other guy on fb AGAIN..idk what to do

What is the best paintball mask for a kid with glasses?

i go play paintball sometimes but it just is no fun to rent the masks at the field because they get foggy almost instantly and since im a kid they slide down my face easy and also my glasses get pressed down on my nose which tends to hurt. please don't comment unnecessary comments. thanks!

Long dresses to prom is formal right?

I have a friend that seems to think the words formal mean no corsage or boutineere and a short dress bought from forever 21. Can I get some opinions to back me up so I don't seem rude when I tell her she's wrong.

I have a sapphire prom dress, i need some accessories?

I have a sapphire prom dress for my prom in June, and it has sequins at the top, so the woman said i don't need a necklace, i have a sapphire ring, like Kate Middleton's, and i'm getting a flower corsage to go as a bracelet, i was just wondering what type of shoes i should get, and also bag, like colour. The beads are silver...thankyou!


There not the right contacts for your eyes, don't belive ads on tv cause it's a scam, did ur eye doctor recommend those contacts for you? If he/she did, you have to tell your doctor and tell them the trouble ur having

Prom help- how is my date supposed to dress? (help soon please- prom is this weekend!)?

It's my senior prom and my boyfriend doesnt have any sort of suit or tux. I found him some black dress pants at a thrift store, but I dont know what type of shirt, tie, vest, or jacket to get him. I know something is suppose to match my dress, but what? The tie? Also, what's the deal with corsages? Does he get them both, or do we each get the other one?

How to tell your prom date info about prom? Or ask your friend to tell him?

My prom date doesn't know anything about prom because he only came to America less than 2 years. I want him to take care of the corsages and the transportation but it will be really weird to tell him " hey get me the corsages before prom" I kinda want him to just do it for me.... But I don't know how ....

Is there a way to preserve a corsage?

I saved my corsage from prom this year (my junior prom) because it was beautiful and it made me happy to look at it. I put it on the top shelf in the fridge, and it stayed fresh. I've been having a bad day today, so I went to the fridge to find my corsage. (The reason it makes me so happy is because my boyfriend gave it to me, and prom night was one of the best nights of my life.) Apparently, my grandmother thought it was no good and threw it out, because it wasn't there today, and my father hasn't touched it. My boyfriend will be going to my senior prom with me next year, and I know I'll want to save the corsage again. Is there a way I can preserve it, other than keeping it in a fridge, so that I can keep it without someone thinking it can be thrown out?

Is it weird to wear a corsage if the person you are going with isnt?

My friend and I decided to just go to prom as friends, not official dates. My dress is strappless and I am not wearing any jewelry, So i decided I wanted a corsage. Since we are just going as friends, I asked him if he wanted to wear a flower and he said no to save money. So I ordered myself one. He has the matching tux and everything, but now im worried that it might be weird for me to be wearing a flower when he isnt, do you think anyone will even notice?

Average size of Bridal bouquets?

Try having a look at ebay, I'm not suggesting you get the from there but if you have a good look at the pictures you should get an idea of quantities, Good luck with them and congratulations.

Am I making decent progress on the deadlift?

I am a 36 year old 170 pound 5'8" man man who is strong in the upper body (I can do about 5 sets of 10 pull ups) but weak in the lower body because I have never really done anything other than bodyweight squats and bodyweight lunges. I studied up on how to do proper form for the deadlift. Then I started out with low weight. I was doing about 125 pounds the first time and I did about three sets of 8 reps. The next week (I take a week off in between deadlifting sessions) I did 135 for about three sets of 8 reps. And on the third week (today) I did some warm up sets and then did 135 for one set of 8 and then did 147 for two sets of 8. I have never tried to max out on the deadlift. I just don't want to blow my back out. My lower back and glutes are already tired after these sets I do. I have no clue how much I could do for a max deadlift. I am just trying to start out somewhat slow. So my question is, how soon should I be attempting sets of 200 pounds for 6-8 reps?